This Bible study is built around a symbol of life used throughout the Bible: The Tree. Trees provide a rich symbol of ongoing growth. Rather than reaching a peak and declining, we see their trunk expanding, their roots deepening, their leaves and fruit proliferating, and their branches spreading.

The Tree of Life model is about thriving, not just surviving, and helping others do the same. It is about:
1) Connecting with the Source of Life
2) Discovering your own identity, places for growth, and opportunities for healing
3) Growing in relationships with others

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This study will explore the areas in our lives that are healthy and those in need of healing. It is not just about what other people see on the surface in our appearance and actions. Like a tree, we have deep roots, the foundation of who we are in our relationships with others, our emotions, and our relationship with God.

We will also look at what damages a tree, causing brokenness or decay. In our own lives we face areas of grief and trauma and often need to find healing for what has happened in the past, as well as learning how to help others in the storms of life.

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Through this study we will look at growth in relationships, both in the core of our being (like the trunk of the tree) and our interactions with others (like the branches and fruit).
In Section 1 we will explore ways to grow in our relationship with God, engaging our whole selves, seeking God in the midst of our brokenness, and discovering redemption in that brokenness.
In Section 2 we will discover how the love of God can extend to our love for others as we abide in Jesus, explore the practicality of loving others, encounter forgiveness, and nurture growth in the fellowship of the Church.

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About the Author

Emily Hervey grew up in Chile, the US, and Kazakhstan and has a heart for helping others experiencing the joys and challenges of expatriate living. As a result, she created a website of resources (Worldwide Families) and a workbook for families getting ready to move overseas: “Setting Sail: The Family Workbook.” She has a doctorate in clinical psychology from Regent University, is licensed in the state of Virginia, and works as an adjunct professor for graduate programs in psychology and counseling.
Dr. Hervey has written book chapters (see “Writing Out of Limbo” and “The Long Journey Home”), published academic journal articles and magazine articles, and has been interviewed on TransWorld Radio.
Dr. Hervey is currently focused on trauma response and recovery, globally equipping those in highly-traumatic settings. She is also available internationally for public speaking on Third Culture Kids, expatriate well-being, transitions, and Christian topics such as grace, suffering, and trusting in God